Subject: The latest trend: Shitting on the Seduction Community
I want to nip this stupid pattern in the bud.
Every 2-3 years, the marketers latch onto the latest wave of concepts to use as marketing fodder.
pre-1999 it was "under-the-radar seduction"
1999-2001 it was "alpha male"
2001-2004 it was "indirect game"
2005-2006 it was "direct game" with a throwback to "alpha male"
I'm going to tell you the next wave before the marketers latch onto it even stronger: Shitting on the community. It will be along the lines of "Here's why the seduction community is bad and here's what I have to sell you in its place."
If you're being marketed to, it's never going to be about "Use what works best for you, the environment you're in and the type of female you want." If it's marketing, it will always be about the one methodology which is better than anything else you know. Until the next thing comes along.
So, that "next thing" is about making guys feel like their involvement in something is detrimental to their success and the solution is to buy product X Y or Z as the counter solution.
It's not anything OUT THERE which is ever hurting you to succeed, it's something IN THERE. Unless the affiliation is a total sham to begin with, anyone who is ever involved in anything which is out to help them improve but ultimately doesn't is due to the failure of that person and not what they're affiliating with. Or maybe it's choosing the wrong coach or specific individual or group to take advice from.
There is also a distinction which you'll never see in such marketing. That distinction is how this community of sorts is defined. Some may define it as most people might see it - an actual large and organic community with a common purpose. Some others will define it as merely their competitors. To those, the community is about what businesses are out there that sell into a certain context. That is not a community, that is an INDUSTRY. Yet, consider that if someone is knocking a "community" when they are really referring to an "industry" and their spin on that is for marketing to sell a product, then they are part of what they are slamming and, therefore, full of shit.
This public service announcement is now over, please go about your regular business.
Fast Seduction 101 -
Class is now in session...
Posted: 16 Jan 2010 11:42 PM
Originally Posted: 16 Jan 2010 11:39 PM
That thread is pretty funny........."the founder of puahate is seething with anger against pickup".
I am.......?
"The founder of puahate never got good with women so he decided to hate pickup instead".
I'll tell that to my gf when she's riding my cock this afternoon.
Those dudes on fastseduction are such pussies. If they've got something to say, they can bring their ovaries over here and say it. We would get banned there for trying to respond, but they won't get banned here for posting. They have an open invite to come on down.